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Plan for the New Year!

So for those of you reading this and wanting to make some changes, here is your first assignment. Make a list of healthy foods that you like. Just make a list. For example, my list would look like this:






Cheese (there is nothing wrong with cheese in moderation)




Orange Juice






Sweet Potato


Now make a list of the foods you know aren't good for you, that you tend to eat too much of and make a plan to reduce them (not eliminate) in your diet. Okay from this point, I'll try to post weekly and share some meals that I eat. Your next assignment is to start adding some activity into your week. If you don't exercise at all, I want you to plan two do something (gym workout, treadmills, outdoors walk or run, biking, rowing, whatever else you can think of) for 30 minutes at least 2 times this week. If you want to do more that is great, but I'm just asking you to do something to get started. Trying to be super athlete is just going to make you give up. I'm going to posting ONLY on Sundays. We'll see how that works. If you want to know what I normally eat for breakfast it is two breakfast tacos: 1 egg, 2 corn tortillas, salsa, jalapenos, cheese, avocado (if I have some). This will probably end up being around 300-400. If you don't have time to make this or it isn't appealing to you what would you like for breakfast that would be healthy? You could have something as simple as an apple or banana. How about oatmeal with some apples and cinnamon? Oatmeal doesn't have to be boring. Just start trying some things that you think you might like. So how about tomorrow you have a healthy breakfast and think about adding two days of exercise into your routine?

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