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Proud of Where I Am (or a little more about my early running)

Okay. Hopefully this one goes in the direction I intend. 2019 was a year of success for me. Things just seemed to come together. I got inspired to start running and decided I was going to attempt a half-marathon. When I started running I'm pretty sure it was only 2 miles. And those two miles were NOT straight running. If I remember correctly they were maybe 1/2 a lap of running and 1/2 a lap of walking, but it could have even been a 1/4 lap running and 3/4 lap walking. I certainly didn't start out running. I remember the day that I increased it to three miles and how proud I was of that. And of course I should have been. Walking or running three miles a few days a week is progress. And so I was run/walking and increasing my miles. I don't remember when I increased to five miles, but whenever that happened it was a fabulous accomplishment. I remember the weather got too cold to jog for at least a month or two. It seems like it might have been late January through the month of February, but then when March came I got back at it.

While training for the half-marathon, I was also participating in the biggest loser challenge at work. I know. Those things aren't really healthy. I mean you are trying to beat other people by losing as much weight as fast as you can. I honestly don't think they are a good idea, but I did it anyway. And I did lose weight. And I did win it all. Because I was determined and there was just something inside me that would not give up.

So back to training...

I remember the first time I did a long run and how proud I was of running 7 miles. When I say run, I mean at this point, running 1/2 a lap and walking 1/2 a lap. I may have gotten to the point where I was running maybe a lap and walking a lap, but I definitely was not running the whole thing. I think 12 miles was my longest run and that is what you're supposed to do for the half-marathon training. And then in May I ran the Badass Half Marathon in Waco TX My time was 2:44. That isn't a bad time, especially for the first time you run a half. Then I ran the Stars and Stripes Half in New Braunfels, TX. Then I ran the Hot Trot in Dallas, TX. And that was my summer in a nutshell.

At some point, I decided to up my game and increased my running time. I guess it was in June that I actually was able to run 5 and 6 miles without any walk breaks. And I was very proud. I don't think that has to be your goal as a runner. It's perfectly acceptable to walk/run. But for me to be able to run 6 miles straight is pretty remarkable. That is not something I ever expected to be able to do. I've never been athletic. I've always chosen running for exercise, but I was the fat girl in school. I was the one that got made fun of. The one that got chosen last for any team sports. I was not the athlete. So for me to be running without walk breaks and to be running the distance I am is absolutely unreal. At least to me it is. I worked my way up to running 10 miles straight. That is just ridiculous!

So, I decided that I am going to train for the Austin Marathon. I decided to start training in September I think. I have a 16 week plan, but I started WAY ahead of time because I knew that I wouldn't make every run, that I would have weeks that just didn't work for running. A few weeks ago I had a self-imposed deadline. I either ran 18 miles or I went down to the half in Austin. So I ran the 18 miles because I really want to run my first marathon in Austin. So I've basically gotten myself to the point where I can most likely do a marathon. I still need to train. I'm supposed to do 20 miles this Saturday and that is my last LONG run of the plan. It tapers from there. I hope I'll do the 20 this Saturday, but if I don't I still have time to get it in. And even if I don't get it in, I can run the marathon as long as I keep my long runs consistent. If I don't get the 20 miles in this Saturday, I'll try again next week. And then about mid January I'll start tapering to prepare for the actual marathon. I'm scared and excited. I'll be scared and excited when I get there. But this is me now. I'm a runner. I started And here I am. So I really think if you want to do something and you have any bit of ability at all in that area you can probably do it. I hope running will always be part of my life. I guess I've fallen in love with it. And in the process my body has changed and I'm happier with what I see in the mirror.

So I'm proud of myself. I'm proud of where I am. And I hope that I can continue with this running lifestyle and do more races.

On a side note, my doctor ran labs and I am the healthiest I have ever been. My triglycerides are normal and my cholesterol levels are where they need to be. Running is one of the best things I've done for myself. And I highly recommend it.

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