This is a safe place to start making your goals a reality. Let me introduce myself by telling my story. In 2018 I decided to start making different choices so that I could have something I wanted. I wanted to lose weight and I got inspired to start running. I have always gravitated toward running as my go to exercise, but I have never run any type of long distance. My longest run was a 5K (3.1 miles). And it was slow. And I walked a lot of it. But I decided that I wanted to make a change. So I started training for a half marathon. At that time in my life training for a half marathon was a big deal. So in December I started my journey and I found a training plan and got myself out there. I'm a teacher at a high school and so I had access to a track. I ran that track a few times a week. I started by walk/running a mile. And then two. And then three. And I was really excited about that three mile mark. I didn't run the whole thing. I probably walked most of it to be honest. I just started adding in some running and eventually I was running half of the time and then about three quarters of the time while still having my walk breaks. In May 2019, I ran my first half-marathon in Waco, TX - The Badass Half-Marathon. And I felt like a badass because I had come so far! And then I went on to run three more half-marathons that year and decided to start training for a marathon. By mid-summer I was no longer walking. I was able to run six miles straight and then ten miles and I felt like a true conqueror. For the first time in my life I was doing something I never thought possible. The idea of running a mile without stopping was unimaginable to me when I first started so being able to run ten miles without stopping was the ultimate moment for me. And in February 2020 I ran my first marathon in Austin, TX. It wasn't perfect and I did injure myself, but I finished. And now I want to help and inspire others to reach their fitness goals. If you have a desire to get in shape, no matter what your current fitness level then let's do it together. Let me inspire you if I can. Let me help you stay on course. Let's be a community of people that keeping pushing through until we meet our goals.
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